
Imagine Invincible Hair - Oribe's The Hair Alchemy Collection

Imagine Invincible Hair - Oribe's The Hair Alch...

Prevention from breakage is key because unlike your skin, which can regenerate itself, hair breakage is irreversible. Therefore, preventative care — and a little magic — is necessary to keep...

Imagine Invincible Hair - Oribe's The Hair Alch...

Prevention from breakage is key because unlike your skin, which can regenerate itself, hair breakage is irreversible. Therefore, preventative care — and a little magic — is necessary to keep...

Bring Your Hair Back to Life - A Transformative Treatment Custom Blended By Your Stylist

Bring Your Hair Back to Life - A Transformative...

Well-versed in creating products that effectively target hair concerns that range from dry and untameable hair, to irritated and itchy scalp, Oribe has launched its first salon-exclusive custom-blended hair treatment,...

Bring Your Hair Back to Life - A Transformative...

Well-versed in creating products that effectively target hair concerns that range from dry and untameable hair, to irritated and itchy scalp, Oribe has launched its first salon-exclusive custom-blended hair treatment,...

What's Your Lucky Colour in 2022?

What's Your Lucky Colour in 2022?

Boost your luck in the Year of Tiger by wearing your lucky colours, based on your Chinese zodiac sign. Are you considering which hair color to do for this Chinese...

What's Your Lucky Colour in 2022?

Boost your luck in the Year of Tiger by wearing your lucky colours, based on your Chinese zodiac sign. Are you considering which hair color to do for this Chinese...

French Balayage - Why is it so Popular?

French Balayage - Why is it so Popular?

Balayage is a never-ending trend, meeting constant interest online and spontaneously asked by our clients in the salon. Have you heard of French Balayage?

French Balayage - Why is it so Popular?

Balayage is a never-ending trend, meeting constant interest online and spontaneously asked by our clients in the salon. Have you heard of French Balayage?

美发每一天的秘密: ”啊油喂” 您的秀发

美发每一天的秘密: ”啊油喂” 您的秀发

繁忙的生活常常让我们忽略了照顾头发的重要性。 结果,我们因为担心头发问题,对不适合的产品或服务进行不合理的购买。何必呢? 既然头发很重要,为什么不花一些时间来保护头发呢? 一个简单的步骤就是投资一种优质的护发油。 油性头发是不好的,但是在头发上涂抹护发油可能会带来神奇效果。 为什么会这样呢? 护发油基本上就是头发的食物。 优质的护发油内含有您头发喜欢的维生素和微量营养素。 对了,您放入嘴里的食物对头皮上毛囊的健康其实有着最直接的影响, 所以,记得要吃得健康哦! 使用护发油也是控制毛躁发的好方法,尤其是在新加坡炎热潮湿的天气下。 在手掌上擦一些护发油,然后轻轻地穿过头发。,这将帮助您立即解决毛躁问题,并给您的头发增添光泽! 事实证明,某些护发油可以帮助保护和安抚头皮和皮肤,使其免受太阳强烈而有害的射线伤害。 定期给头发抹上护发油很不错,但是让它在头发上停留太久则会吸引灰尘,因此建议不要让护发油在头发上停留太久。一种简单的解决方法是在睡前涂上护发油,第二天早晨再用洗发水洗掉;或者在洗发前涂上护发油。否则,请选择使用轻质护发油。 市场上有许多不同类型的护发油,或者您甚至可以自己制作。我们常听到的负面问题是这些护发油粘稠、油腻、沉重,有时闻起来味道不好。如果您担心这些问题,那么Oribe的护发油将完全改变您的想法。 Oribe的护发油在不压垮头发的前提下就可为头发增添轻盈的光泽、润湿感和丝滑感。而且,闻起来还非常高贵。吹头发之前在潮湿的头发上抹上护发油可以作为热气保护剂;也可以在干燥的头发上使用,以抚平毛躁并保护头发免受紫外线的伤害。 难以置信吗?到我们的义安城旗舰发廊试试看。我们相信您会爱上它! 在2021年7月内在此网站购买任何产品即可获赠Oribe的滋养护发油试用装。

美发每一天的秘密: ”啊油喂” 您的秀发

繁忙的生活常常让我们忽略了照顾头发的重要性。 结果,我们因为担心头发问题,对不适合的产品或服务进行不合理的购买。何必呢? 既然头发很重要,为什么不花一些时间来保护头发呢? 一个简单的步骤就是投资一种优质的护发油。 油性头发是不好的,但是在头发上涂抹护发油可能会带来神奇效果。 为什么会这样呢? 护发油基本上就是头发的食物。 优质的护发油内含有您头发喜欢的维生素和微量营养素。 对了,您放入嘴里的食物对头皮上毛囊的健康其实有着最直接的影响, 所以,记得要吃得健康哦! 使用护发油也是控制毛躁发的好方法,尤其是在新加坡炎热潮湿的天气下。 在手掌上擦一些护发油,然后轻轻地穿过头发。,这将帮助您立即解决毛躁问题,并给您的头发增添光泽! 事实证明,某些护发油可以帮助保护和安抚头皮和皮肤,使其免受太阳强烈而有害的射线伤害。 定期给头发抹上护发油很不错,但是让它在头发上停留太久则会吸引灰尘,因此建议不要让护发油在头发上停留太久。一种简单的解决方法是在睡前涂上护发油,第二天早晨再用洗发水洗掉;或者在洗发前涂上护发油。否则,请选择使用轻质护发油。 市场上有许多不同类型的护发油,或者您甚至可以自己制作。我们常听到的负面问题是这些护发油粘稠、油腻、沉重,有时闻起来味道不好。如果您担心这些问题,那么Oribe的护发油将完全改变您的想法。 Oribe的护发油在不压垮头发的前提下就可为头发增添轻盈的光泽、润湿感和丝滑感。而且,闻起来还非常高贵。吹头发之前在潮湿的头发上抹上护发油可以作为热气保护剂;也可以在干燥的头发上使用,以抚平毛躁并保护头发免受紫外线的伤害。 难以置信吗?到我们的义安城旗舰发廊试试看。我们相信您会爱上它! 在2021年7月内在此网站购买任何产品即可获赠Oribe的滋养护发油试用装。

Secret to Good Hair Day: "Feed" Your Hair with Oil

Secret to Good Hair Day: "Feed" Your Hair with Oil

Due to our hectic schedules, we often overlook the importance of looking after our hair. As a result, we start to panic over hair issues and make irrational purchases on...

Secret to Good Hair Day: "Feed" Your Hair with Oil

Due to our hectic schedules, we often overlook the importance of looking after our hair. As a result, we start to panic over hair issues and make irrational purchases on...